watching how other people live

21 Jun

london 10pm 16.9C dry friday 2024

simon has been cleaning the oven. it could do with it, as it has never been cleaned ever since we bought it i dont know how long ago. haha. he bought a scraper, which seems to be ideal for the job. he said he scraped the floor of the oven with it, and it picked off  a huge load of junk. 

as for me, i have been lazing away, wasting my time watching utubes of floods and heavy downpour of rain in various countries, one in ghana, a few in phillipines, and even one showing london in the rain. the london one was the least interesting… maybe because i see it everyday… whilst the other two were quite fascinating. and i was also watching utubes of people buying groceries, and cooking… mainly japanese people , men and women who are living alone . the ones i have been watching are very good cooks and very clean and tidy , unlike the stereotype of lonely reclusive people living in isolation which i have heard are a big class of people in japan, mainly men who have just taken themselves off society and live like reclusives. but we are talking of japanese people here, so quite possibly none of them are like the typical untidy living in squalor recluses.

obviously those i see putting themselves on utube to show their daily lives are not that class of reclusives. they all got really lovely looking cooking utensils, even their pots look nice and trendy.i wonder if they buy them for the show. i think they must do, specially because my pots look battered and worn haha. and i still use them because they are still functional. 

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